The Launch party
We were having a girl’s get together at my house anyway so in honour of our blog we asked people to wear something they’d got from a charity shop.
I wore my “new” £1.99 from Barnardos John Rocha dress and Ingrid looked great in her Warehouse dress she bought on our last shopping trip together. Anyone who didn’t have anything from a charity shop we saw as a challenge and have signed them up for our case studies (more on this later). It was great fun comparing bargains. My friend Amy wore an original sixties jacket which we bought together from a charity shop in York when we were students, more years back than we care to remember (we worked it out as 1998). It cost her a whole pound and she’s still wearing it!
We also asked people to bring any of their unwanted clothes so we could do a swap. I think it’s known as swishing. This worked really well, mainly because Ingrid was really organised and brought a rail so peole could see what was on offer. I think most people went away with a new item of clothing, I certainly did, and recycled some stuff too. It really is true that one persons trash is anothers treasure. It was quite amazing, if not a little depressing, that something which looks dreadful on you looks brilliant on someone else. And good to know that an unloved piece of clothing has gone to a good home. The first person to arrive brought some chunky jewellery, so taking Ingrid’s comments on board (she said my jewellery was understated, non-existent, more like!), I nabbed it straight away and, as it went well with my dress, wore it all night. I only took it off when I started some quite rigorous dancing!
So all in all it was a fun night, bit too much if some of our heads were anything to go by in the morning. I really enjoyed the clothes swapping aspect and would recommend people doing it. Anything left over I just took to the charity shop (of course). I’d certainly do it again. And we got everyone to look at the blog - the Prudent Pair are up and running!
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